Research Article
Published: 16 August, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 007-016
Background/Aim: There has been a progressive rise in the incidence and prevalence of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). It has also been observed that the most important reasons for a rapid increase in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients are the rapidly increasing worldwide incidence of diabetes and hypertension. The present study evaluates the effect of diabetes, hypertension, and comorbid state of hypertension and diabetes (hypertensive-diabetic) on renal function using serum creatinine and urea as markers.
Method: A total number of 120 persons were recruited for the research; 30 controls, 30 hypertensive, 30 diabetic, and 30 hypertensive-diabetic persons. Of the 30 control persons, 18 were females and 12 were males; of the 30 hypertensive subjects, 17 were females and 13 were males; of the 30 diabetics subjects, 20 were females and 10 were males, whereas of the 30 hypertensive-diabetic subjects, 21 were females and 9 were males. In total, there were seventy-six (76) females and 44 males. The respondents were pulled from Central Hospital (Auchi) Diabetic and General Clinic and Auchi Polytechnic Cottage Hospital. Verbal consent was sort and questionnaires were used to extract information regarding biodata and patients’ history of diabetes and hypertension. Height and weight were measured, and blood pressure was determined taken. Blood samples were collected into fluoride oxalate and lithium heparin bottle for the assessment of FBS and (serum urea and creatinine) respectively.
Results: The mean (±SD) serum creatinine was higher in the hypertensive-diabetic group (2.08 ± 1.06) and declined as follows: diabetic group (1.75 ± 1.01), hypertensive group (1.34 ± 0.96) and control group (0.70 ± 0.14). The mean (±SD) serum urea was also found to be higher in the hypertensive-diabetic group (17.5 ± 9.06) and declined as follows: diabetic group (14.5 ± 6.13), hypertensive group (12.7 ± 6.23) and control group (7.18 ± 5.06). There was a positive correlation between serum creatinine and fasting blood sugar The study also established a positive correlation between serum creatinine and blood pressure but not between serum urea and blood pressure with r values of 0.31 and 0.16 respectively.
Conclusion: Good control of blood glucose and blood pressure levels reduces the likelihood of the development of renal impairment which is usually associated with both diabetes and hypertension. Co-morbidity of diabetes and hypertension poses a higher risk of developing renal disease than individual problems of diabetes and hypertension. Serum creatinine and serum urea are important biomarkers for renal impairment hence the two should be monitored on a regular basis for diabetic and hypertensive patients and much more frequently for hypertensive-diabetic patients.
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Serum creatinine; Serum urea; Hypertension; Diabetes; Fasting blood sugar; Co-morbidity
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