
Research Article

Receptor pharmacology and other relevant factors in lower urinary tract pathology under a functional and toxicological approach: Instrument to better manage antimicrobials therapy

Mauro Luisetto*, Naseer Almukhtar, Behzad Nili-Ahmadabadi, Ghulam Rasool Mashori, Kausar Rehman Khan, Ram Kumar Sahu, Farhan Ahmad Khan, Gamal Abdul Hamid and Luca Cabianca

Published: 14 December, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 049-093

In various patients conditions involved in lower urinary tract disease LUT (like overactive bladder, bladder neck sclerosis, dis –synergy (with our synenrgic contraction between bladder detrusor and bladder neck, BPH, recurrent cysytitis, interstitial cystitis, chronic prostatitis, uretral stenosys, loss of sfinteric coordination.

Prostatic cancer, anatomic abnormalities and other the receptor status play relevant role to reduce effect of vicious clycle that can be responsible in progression of the pathologic process.

In this work the complex receptorial status is analyzed to verify new therapeutic strategies.

Starting from the observation that various irritant substanties produce irritant stimulus in Prostatic Patients or in bladder neck condition is interesting to deep understand the etio-patogenesys and Functional results.

In Various prostatic, bladder neck or ureteral condition a reduced urinary fluss can produce infectious.

Conditions like acute or chronic prostatitis.

Irritants sustanties in diet (in example etilic alcohol drink, hot spices, crud meats, carbonate drinks, caffeine and other) can produce Painful stimulus in innervations of vecical trigonous, bladder neck and prostatic urethra.

The same recurrent cystitis and Bph contribute in a complex situation.

This stimulus produce ipertonus of bladder muscle involved in the expulsion of urine.

The event related inflamation and edema (bladder, prostatic uretra, trigonus) contribute to the global effect.

So conditions like bladder neck sclerosys IPB, recurrent prostatitis and cistitys in acts in a vicious circle. (Also immunomediated: Bph and cronic prostatitis with linfocite infiltration and tissue remodeling).

The ormonal status check the systems (see 5-ARI efficacy in Bph).

Simpatic, parasimpatic and other system are deeply involved.

Also behavioral habits or diet can influence in example urinary flux in a complex system like LUT. (Bladder and prostatic irritants that can produce edema and acute inflamation).

Other behavior habits are deeply involved as too much sedentary, water intake, coffee, pee modality and also psychological profile and stressing conditions.

Some disease like diabetes produce high consequences in all this systems due to

Bladder modification, oxidative stress, osmotic movens, and increase susceptibility of urinary infections.

This article are verified this kind of movens that contribute in physio -pathology of some low urinary tract conditions.

The anatomic abnormalities produces, obviously, physiological disfuntions.

Recurrent urinary tract infections, inadequate antimicrobial therapy:

Profile of resistance, duration of therapy, kind of antimicrobials, posology,

Pk. Kinetics, associations, compliance, biofilms, micro calcifications (recurrent chronic prostatitis) contribute to a progression of the condition.

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Lower urinary tract disease; Pharmacology; Receptors, Physio-pathology; BPH; Emorragic cystitis


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